Vogliamo essere il primo punto di contatto per i nostri clienti quando si tratta di efficacia nel marketing e nelle vendite. Siamo costantemente alla ricerca e allo sviluppo di nuove soluzioni digitali che permettano di gestire il marketing e le vendite in modo più rapido ed economico! Ecco perché ci siamo posizionati in tutti i settori con un know-how che rende il marketing e le vendite più efficaci attraverso l'uso di nuove tecnologie: questo ci unisce ad aziende in Svizzera e Germania, ma siamo in viaggio anche per i nostri clienti in Cina e Slovacchia.

Abbiamo bisogno di te! Il team W4 combina varie competenze in un portfolio globale moderno e sinergico. Gli strateghi e sviluppatori parlano dei prossimi sprint per app, dashboard PIM, website e sistemi di automazione del marketing in arrivo. Copywriter, grafici e SEO manager danno il meglio di se stessi per le prestazioni di siti web, whitepaper e landing page, in modo che dopo il lancio il profilo personalizzato dei nostri clienti viene mostrato con immagini, parole o in query di ricerca organica. E i project manager garantiscono un processo agile e incentrato sul cliente..

I migliori prerequisiti per progetti di successo e clienti soddisfatti sono curiosità, agilità e impegno. Hai queste qualità? Allora non vediamo l'ora di ricevere la tua candidatura (anche di tua iniziativa)! Dai un'occhiata alle nostre offerte di lavoro qui.


I am excited to work for a company that truly values its employees as individuals and supports them in achieving their goals. I have always preferred an atmosphere where I can grow and learn personally. In this regard, W4 adds value to my professional career. W4 has given me the opportunity to develop, improve and acquire new knowledge and skills in different areas. I am growing every day. Starting as Operations Manager, I am now HR Manager, SM of my team as well as a member of the Chief Meta Scrum Team.

Working at W4 is fun, educational and enjoyable at the same time. The team spirit and the general environment motivate me in my work. I am grateful to my fate that it led me here to steer my career in the right direction.

Operations Manager

After working in the hotel industry for many years, I longed for a new personal challenge. I am very happy that I have found this in full at W4 and have been able to continue my training ever since. Shortly after starting my new tasks, I was able to get to know a completely new professional field and broaden my horizons. Independent action, responsibility and trust characterize W4. I am very proud that I was given these important working skills right from the start. W4 makes it easy to develop and expand new skills. Very quickly I was assigned new projects and given the confidence to complete them to everyone's satisfaction. 

The trusting relationship and the close cooperation in the team give me a lot of fun every day. I am already looking forward to further exciting projects, the ever-growing team spirit and many great years at W4.

Product Owner

Fresh out of university, W4 gave me the chance to prove myself. I was quickly able to develop from a position as a copywriter to a content manager with my own international clients. Now I have been working on diverse and exciting projects for more than 4 years. With W4, you never stop learning, you constantly grow and are encouraged.

Content Managerin

I work at W4 as a Content & Account Manager and mainly look after our client base of radiologists. What I particularly appreciate about my work is the variety of tasks and the motivating challenges. I was given responsibility right from the start, so in addition to my client projects, I was allowed, for example, to train new colleagues as a buddy and take them by the hand. 

The overall package of digital work, a great team and daily learning always inspires me and I am happy to work for W4!

Scrum Master & Product Owner

Before I came to W4, I worked as a spa receptionist and in the catering industry, among other things. I didn't have any experience in marketing yet, but I was able to learn everything at W4 and was super supported by my colleagues. 

We have an open and supportive culture where learning and teamwork are highly valued. Now I am even Scrum Master of my team and additionally responsible for the content production for the Chinese market. What I particularly appreciate about my job is the flexibility and the mutual support and I am grateful to work at W4.

Scrum Master

Working as a general manager in China is also a bit like being an entrepreneur. I’m able to create job positions and opportunities for others. I really appreciate the fact that I was trusted 100% from the beginning, which motivates and inspires me not only to improve myself, but also to support and encourage other people.

W4 values people first and treats the employees with respect. All employees are treated equally while we unite many different nationalities in our teams. We are all very open minded and have a strong bond between all our nationalities.

Business Development & General Manager, China

For the past 3 years, I have been employed at W4, serving as a QA specialist and Jira administrator. This job has provided me with invaluable professional growth opportunities. The company's supportive work culture, emphasis on employee well-being, and dedication to fostering talent and innovation have truly made it an outstanding environment for career development. The collaborative atmosphere among colleagues and the company's acknowledgment of hard work make every employee feel valued and appreciated.

QA Specialist & Jira Administrator

I’ve been working at W4 since 2021, where exceptional opportunities for personal and professional growth have fueled my career advancements. The company’s commitment to continuous learning and skill development has enabled me to take on challenging projects and expand my expertise. The collaborative and supportive working environment fosters unity among colleagues, promoting open communication, idea sharing, and innovation. With a strong emphasis on work-life balance, W4 truly prioritises individual growth, making it an outstanding place to thrive both personally and professionally.

Full Stack Developer & Scrum Master

As a member of W4, I can honestly say that I love working here. The dynamic atmosphere is exhilarating and provides me with ample opportunities to learn and grow as a professional. Every day brings new challenges, and I appreciate the chance to improve my abilities and reach my full potential. The Scrum Strategy at W4 creates a sense of connection and collaboration with my colleagues despite the distance between us.  As a woman working at W4, I feel valued and respected, and I appreciate the company's commitment to fostering a gender-equal workplace. The friendly and collaborative work environment promotes a real sense of camaraderie among colleagues.

Digital Marketing Specialist & Scrum Master



Che cosa offriamo

W4 ha molto da offrire! Con noi puoi scoprire il mondo, svilupparti costantemente e sperimentare il vero spirito di squadra. Vuoi saperne di più a riguardo?
Qui puoi scoprire di più sui vantaggi di W4!


Con oltre 10 diversi profili lavorativi in ​​4 paesi, ci sarà sicuramente qualcosa per te! Clicca qui sotto e scopri le posizioni aperte attualmente disponibili su W4.

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