Akeneo PIM -opensource product information management software


Data storage, management and actualization has become increasingly demanding and complex task for big companies with hundreds if not thousands of items in their product catalogs. Product managers and marketing teams spend a lot of time on managing product information. Too much time. The main reason for this are old product management systems that are not on par with current standards in multichannel marketing. A lack of interfaces as well as departments acting independently of one another take a toll on internal resources. Is it not time to finally change this?

Put an end to double data management!

Akeneo throws old and inefficient habits over board and, as a central product information management tool, opens up a whole new perspective for collaboration across departments. Akeneo simplifies your marketing activities as it allows you to feed numerous channels from one place.  Using this open source tool, product managers and marketing staff alike can edit product data, ERP data, images and videos from various sources centrally. All linked data banks are thus always up-to-date. No more entering the same data twice. Instead, your clients always have access to the newest product information. Thanks to excellent export characteristics, your product information is always at the ready for online shops, websites, mobile marketing, print communication and POS measures. 

Learn more about product information management with Akeneo PIM in our free whitepaper.

Download the white paper now



The Akeneo PIM is very intuitive to use. The familiarization phase for product managers and marketing employees is rather brief. Businesses can define roles and responsibilities for specific target groups. It is also possible to manage products separately according to location and language.
Since Akeneo PIM is an open-source product information management software, you do not need to pay license fees.

We have summarized even more advantages of the Akeneo PIM in our flyer for you.

Download the flyer now




Pricing and functionalities

  • Community
  • Advanced rights management as customized bundle available
  • Validation workflows as customized bundle available
  • Versioning as customized bundle available
  • Asset manager available as integration (cloudinary.com)
  • APIs
  • Marketplace extensions
  • Individual customizing via bundels
  • W4 Full Service SLA and warranty for core system and all customized bundles
  • On premise
  • unlimited number of channels
  • PDF to print as customized bundle available
  • Forever Free OSL V3
  • Enterprise
  • Advanced rights management
  • Validation workflows
  • Versioning
  • Asset manager
  • APIs
  • Marketplace extensions
  • Individual customizing via bundels
  • AkeneobBackend SLA
  • On premise
  • 1 Channel included
  • 3rd party bundle (marketplace.akeneo.com)
  • from €32.000 per year
  • Serenity Cloud
  • Advanced rights management
  • Validation workflows
  • Versioning
  • Asset manager
  • APIs
  • Marketplace extensions
  • Individual customizing via bundels
  • Akeneo backend SLA
  • Cloud
  • 1 Channel included
  • PDF to print on request
  • Price on request


Advantages of the Community Edition (Open Source)

  • Flexibility & Adaptability: Customizable regarding individual needs
  • Costs & License Fees: Forever free, no license fee
  • Vendor Lock-In/ Independence: No vendor lock-in, no long-term commitment to manufacturers or IT service providers
  • Innovation & Development: Continuous development of the software by the community

Get in touch for an in-depth consultation on how Akeneo will help you to achieve your corporate objectives.  

Your Contact

Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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