We proudly announce our partnership with Bynder, one of the first and outstanding market leader in the field of digital asset management (DAM).

Bynder offers a cloud-based DAM platform, that helps companies manage, organise and share their digital assets. With Bynder, companies optimise their marketing and creative processes, shorten time-to-market and improve brand consistency.

In addition, Bynder offers countless integrations, including HubSpot CRM or Akeneo PIM.


  • Centralised storage and management of digital assets: Bynder offers a single source of truth for storing all kind of digital assets (images, videos, documents and more).
  • Easy searching and sharing digital assets: Bynder makes it easy to find the assets you need and share them with others.
  • Improved collaboration: Bynder enables better collaboration between marketing, creative and sales teams.
  • Automated workflows: Bynder automates repetitive tasks, such as resizing images.
  • Brand consistency: Bynder helps companies to ensure brand consistency across all channels.
  • Countless integrations: Bynder has already created interfaces to numerous creative platforms, CRM and marketing automation systems, CMS or PIM providers.

Bynder was awarded as a leader in the DAM sector by the global market research company Forrester.

Forrester Wave™ Digital Asset Management Systems, Q1 2024: "Bynder invests to play a transformative role in the digital-first economy."

Want to find out more about the partnership and Bynder's products? Then contact us today:

