

In line with Agathon's motto "strive for the best", the company has chosen HubSpot as its marketing automation and lead generation tool. For several years now, W4's team of marketing experts has been supporting Agathon in various projects such as content creation, website maintenance, marketing automation and much more. With a large number of international customers and leads, the leading manufacturer of laser and grinding machines and guide elements in Switzerland relies on flawless lead management to achieve its business goals. As a Platinum Partner of HubSpot, W4 is the ideal partner for demanding projects around this popular automation platform. 


Agathon wanted to implement a lead qualification process with a corresponding interface to their Microsoft Dynamics customer relationship management system. The goal was for the Agathon sales team to continue working with their existing CRM, and for all of the valuable lead data from HubSpot to flow seamlessly into the CRM. Accordingly, HubSpot should continue to serve as a marketing automation platform and be used as a lead qualification system. The ultimate goal: lead generation thanks to marketing automation with adequate data processing for a flawless sales process. 

The Solution

First, a comprehensive analysis and systematization of the extensive, existing data was necessary. To do this, we created a Lead Qualification Process Dashboard. It served as a collaborative interface for the planning process. In it, we defined and illustrated the exact lead qualification process, for example:


We have implemented this process accordingly in HubSpot in order to be able to automatically assign the leads to the various stages such as MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) or SQL (Sales Qualified Lead). MQLs are prospects that match the desired qualifications. For this purpose, we have defined an ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) in cooperation with Agathon, in order to be able to assign promising leads to this ICP in the future. The leads are evaluated on the basis of a lead scoring. The more they qualify and show interest in the company and its products and services, the more points they receive. Once a certain set score is reached, the MQL qualifies for SQL and their data automatically flows into the CRM for further processing by Agathon's sales team. 

For the integration, if-then relations and cross relations had to be defined and inserted into the data set. For example, the "Industries" property required by Agathon was linked or "matched" to the HubSpot "Organizations" property.

The migration of the SQLs into the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM is done via the integration offered by HubSpot.

HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics

In summary, Agathon now benefits from a professionally set up lead qualification process that makes the sales team's work much more pleasant and efficient. Employees can now focus on leads that are truly interested in Agathon's products as well as services, saving valuable time. Automated processes ensure clear, high-performance and promising lead management. 

HubSpot serves as an all-in-one tool that makes this intelligent marketing automation possible. Agathon uses the Sales Hub (Professional), the Marketing Hub (Professional) and the Operations Hub (Professional) to handle its marketing as well as a multitude of operational tasks in sales in a resource-saving and efficient manner via one platform. 

In short, the established process highlights well-qualified leads that are more promising to convert into paying customers. This significantly increases the conversion rate. Effective lead qualification helps optimize marketing and sales resources by focusing time-consuming marketing campaigns and sales activities on the most promising leads.

Marketing Automation – Our Mainstay

In addition to the technical setup of various lead management processes, our marketing experts support Agathon in various areas of marketing automation. From email marketing and landing page creation for lead generation to website maintenance and content production for blog posts, we have supported our client. 

Are you also looking to integrate various systems, be it in your CRM, CMS or sales software, and need technical expertise? Our IT experts will be happy to assist you.

W4 is your competent partner for the digitalization and automation of your marketing, feel free to contact us!

We would also be happy to find the perfect solution for your company's needs for adequate marketing automation or tool integration. From planning to conception & design to technical realization, we are happy to advise you and implement your marketing automation.


Marketing Automation

Implement marketing measures in a resource-efficient, fully automated and personalized manner.

Online Communication

Websites, microsites, digital marketing, social media, SEM and more – online is the future.

Agile Project Management

Thanks to the SCRUM framework, plan projects agilely, constantly optimize workflows and react flexibly to different requirements.



HubSpot is an all-in-one solution for inbound marketing. The marketing automation tool helps companies attract attention among target audiences, convert leads, and retain customers.
