Typo3 update and website redesign for TBWNET.CH

Website update and redesign for tbwnet.ch

Behind tbwnet.ch stand the Technische Betriebe Würenlos, which reliably supplies the Swiss community of Würenlos with electricity, water and communication. The web presence of the public institution requires a particularly appealing design, which makes the services and services of TBW palatable to visitors through the design and excellent image quality. At the same time, a quick and clear navigation through the individual pages must be offered so that visitors perceive TBW as a reliable and professional partner and can discover the products.

The challenge

Our long-standing client wanted both a technical update of the somewhat outdated website and a redesign to bring the brand identity back to the state of the art. As an experienced partner, the W4 team was happy to take on the conception and technical implementation of this project. For this purpose, the existing version of the CMS used, Typo3, was updated to the latest and most stable version. This version offers not only security updates, but also additional new features, as well as the possibility of optical optimizations. 

Specifically, the website of Technische Betriebe Würenlos now features two webcams with a view of the Limmattal and Würenlos and a detailed weekly weather station for Würenlos. In addition, product orders can now be easily collected in a virtual shopping cart. Besides these two special and new features, however, the focus of the project was on the programming and implementation of the tariff calculator for electricity + water. This allows both private and business customers to have their electricity or water costs calculated quickly and easily on the basis of their annual consumption. After intuitive input into the user-friendly interface of the tariff calculator, in which one can choose between single and double tariff and enter the annual consumption manually, individual offers are calculated in no time. These are subdivided into the two tariffs "Classic" and "Local". The special feature is that due to the programming of the calculation by W4, the prices can be easily entered and managed through the editors in the backend - just as intuitively as in the frontend!

The new online presence does justice to TBW's services and presents them optimally. Of course, the contents of the website are created as a responsive web design and are thus displayed flawlessly on all end devices.


Solution and Implementation
Efficient to success - agile project management with UI partners and customers

We would be happy to find the perfect solution for an adequate and professional website for the needs of your company. From planning and design to technical realization, we will be happy to advise you and create your online presence. Please contact us!


Website Relaunch

For a high-quality and representative web presence of your company that meets the highest requirements.

Online Communication

Websites, Online Shops, Microsites, Digital Marketing, Social Media, SEM and more - online is the future.

Agile project management

Plan projects agilely thanks to the SCRUM Framework, constantly optimize workflows and react flexibly to different requirements.



Typo3: the open source CMS system for online data management. Fast, simple and straightforward.
